Thursday, August 13, 2009

roasted carrot soup w/ dill or ginger or not

So simple it's silly but when they're in season and sweet and abundant and cheap don't forget about carrots! Best roasted with salt and olive oil at a high temp (I do it a 400) until you can slide a knife through effortlessly. Then sautée some spring onion or leek or sweet yellow onion and toss it in a blender with veggie or chicken broth. I like to throw in a dollop of sour cream but you can add milk or yogurt or soymilk. Sprinkle fresh dill on top or back up to the onion sautée and add a bit of fresh ginger to give it zip. Too easy to write a whole recipe for it. And really, if you roast them and blend them you've got the soup basics. The rest is up to you and your palate.

Make a little extra and take it to a friend. No better bonding than soup!